We’ve moved to Level 3

A message from Rev. Sandra Williams

I'm sure we are all grateful that the recent coronavirus outbreak in New Zealand appears to be contained and we have been able to move relatively quickly to Alert Level 3. We continue to pray for everyone living in Auckland, especially those suffering from Covid-19's Delta variant, as we pray also for the many nations of the world still in the grips of this virulent disease.

You may now be wondering what church life will look like when we enter Alert Level 2 and indoor gatherings of up to 100 people become possible again. The Parish Council met yesterday on zoom to review the safety procedures we put in place last year. We will hold a face to face service the Sunday after the move and will distribute a pastoral letter prior, explaining the procedures that we will be undertaking to ensure everyone's safety.  Many other church events, however, will remain on hold until we are back in Alert Level 1.

In the meantime, keep yourselves safe, keep praying and keep connecting - albeit from a distance and over the phone and zoom. To assist in your daily worship, in the articles following you will find a link to evening prayer with leaders of the Methodist Church of New Zealand along with our Sunday zoom service.

Kia kaha e te whanau a te Karaiti:

Stay strong dear family of Christ.



Receiving The Bridge during lockdown

 Do you have a friend in our parish not on email? As they will not be able to pick up a copy of the Bridge from the church foyer, why not ring them and share the news? It's a good way to stay connected with one another too.


Worship this Sunday 

This week our 10:00am Sunday service will be via Zoom Video conference 

We have been very encouraged by the numbers attending each week.

During our 30-40 minutes together, Brett will lead us in reflecting on James 2:1-10.

If you would like to join but are uncertain how to use zoom, please contact Brett prior on either brett.levinuniting@outlook.com or by calling 027 238 1074.

We look forward to catching up with many of you then. 


Shopping for people in our Community

 Do you, or anyone you know of, require assistance with grocery shopping or prescription collection? Please email the Church to let us know - Click here to view the Church’s contact details.


Pastoral care

Do you know of someone who could benefit from a pastoral phone call? Please contact the Senior Lay Leaders.


‘The Bridge’ - 29 Oct 2021


Zoom Church: a reflection