‘The Bridge’ - 29 Oct 2021

A message from Rev. Sandra Williams

Hey everyone,

I trust your week has gone well.

It has been great seeing many of you back at church. Five weeks into services at Alert Level 2, I notice how proficient we are becoming with sharing God's peace through the use of sign language. Well done!

As the warming temperatures remind us that summer is just around the corner, may you be filled with the warmth of God's love.

We hope to see you this Sunday.

Kia whakapaingia koe e te Atua: May you be blessed by God.


Worship this Sunday 

Join us in person for worship this Sunday as our Ministry Intern, Brett Reid, invites us to reflect on John’s vision of a new heaven and a new earth (and no more sea...) from Revelation 21:1-6, ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.


Didn’t make it to the service last week?

If you missed last week's service, we recorded the sermon for you to listen to at your own convenience. If you have a YouTube account, hit the subscribe button and you’ll receive a notification the next time we upload a video.


The Sunday Evening Meal is back

The Sunday Evening Meal and Service will resume this Sunday.

Level 2 guidelines will be followed, including signing in on arrival, wearing masks when not seated, and food being brought to the tables.

Doors will open at 5:30pm and dinner is served at 6:00pm.


Karakia for our Climate

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, kicks off this Sunday, the 31st of October (UK time), and right now 30,000 delegates are converging on Glasgow. 

Meanwhile, people of faith around the world are preparing to daily intercede for God’s created order and for ambitious commitments to climate action. 

Join with the folk from Karakia for our Climate in prayer for COP26:  

This Sunday 31st Oct (before COP): Nationwide Zoom karakia, 8 pm 
1st Nov - 11th Nov (during COP): Daily online prayer via Facebook Live, 8pm every day  

The team from Karakia for our Climate will be sending out daily prayer topics. If you’d like to connect with them, check out their Facebook or join their mailing list.

Keep an eye out in the Bridge over the coming weeks, as we’ll be including some resources relating to COP 26 for you to engage with.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:16 NLT)

This week’s resource is: Climate Intercessors' (a global Christian prayer group) 10 Strategic Prayer Requests for COP26

God is restoring our Earth, and we are invited to join in with God in bringing our common home into its fullness of glory!


Pastoral Care

Do you know of someone who could benefit from a pastoral phone call? Please contact the Senior Lay Leaders.


Who should we trust: a reflection


We’ve moved to Level 3