About Us
We are a welcoming community called to follow Jesus Christ and point to the inaugurated and still-coming Reign of God in the Horowhenua district.
As a faith community, we believe that we are called to “Build Bridges and Unite People in the Love of God.” When we gather together for worship, we do so knowing that God’s Holy Spirit equips us for his mission and calls us out into the wider community.
Our minister, Rev. Sandra Williams, and the team of lay and ordained worship leaders invite us to reflect on God’s word in its context and how it relates to us today, equipping us to witness to God’s love. We have a team of skilled musicians who lead us in our sung worship. Our Communion service is on the first Sunday of the month. And we also have an intimate mid-week Communion service.
Levin Uniting Church was formed in February 2008, when St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and St John’s Methodist joined forces and all worship activities were shifted to the St Andrew’s site, now known as Levin Uniting Church on Oxford Street.
Our people are proud to have served the community of Horowhenua during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. In response to the growing need for basic provisions, we coordinated purchasing and delivering groceries for the elderly and vulnerable, increased delivery of Meals on Wheels, and hosted a series of thank you dinners for the essential workers in our district. As a result we have employed a Community Connector whose role it is to have their finger on the pulse and discern the needs of the community, in order to connect and collaborate with other community organisations to creatively address loneliness and isolation in our District.
Levin Uniting Church is also proud to hold a contract in the Horowhenua for the Seasons for Growth programme. Seasons for Growth is designed to help people work through grief. It is associated most strongly with schools, but can and has been implemented in various contexts, including rest homes and prisons. Our current focus in Horowhenua is on the Kahui Ako, or Community of Learners. Our coordinator promotes the programme at schools, supports people who are currently offering the programme, recruits new people who are interested in training, and offers the programme. We are hoping that in time, we will be able to expand beyond schools and offer the programme in other community sectors.
Our Team
Rev. Sandra Williams
Kia ora, I was blessed to be appointed Presbyter/Minister of Levin Uniting in October 2018. I am passionate about seeing people grow in their faith and the church engage with the wider community and am encouraged by the passion I see for this at Levin Uniting. I enjoy travelling and spending time with my family. To relax I read, knit, walk the beach, complete jigsaw puzzles and binge-watch Netflix with my husband, Glen. And to date I have completed Saturday park runs at 14 different venues in 3 different countries.
Eileen Bolitho
My husband Doug and I have worshipped at Levin Uniting since the union with St John's. We have 6 grandchildren – 2 in Christchurch and 4 in England. I enjoy reading, singing concerts and travel when COVID permits. I love the fellowship of the lovely people at Levin Uniting. As a Senior Lay Leader, I support Sandra with pastoral care and the day-to-day running of the Church. I am contactable for pastoral care visits.