‘The Bridge’ - 5 Nov 2021

A message from Sandra

These days it's so easy to get despondent: the impact of climate change is taking its toll on the environment; there appears to be no end in sight to the recent pandemic; and Christians are becoming divided in their response to these latest world events.

And yet there is hope. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways," says the Lord [Is 55:8]. However crazy the world may appear, we can be assured that God remains in control.

This week's Bridge is filled with resources and reflections to help us engage with God's care for all creation. Grab a cuppa and read on, humbled in the knowledge that God chooses to use us to care for one another and to steward the world's resources.

Kia pai te wiki: Have a great week.


Worship this Sunday: "What Does the Lord Require of You?" 

Join us in person for worship this Sunday as our Minister, Sandra, reflects on Micah 6:8 and Matthew 22:34-40 and the challenge of being a Church united when there are a variety of divergent positions in the Church on the COVID-19 vaccination.


Holy Communion this Sunday 

This Sunday we will partake in a picnic-style Communion.

Bread and juice will be available for you to collect as you enter the church, or you may wish to bring your own from home.

Children and young people will join us for Communion.


Didn’t make it to the service last week?

If you missed last week's service, we recorded the sermon for you to listen to at your own convenience. If you have a YouTube account, hit the subscribe button and you’ll receive a notification the next time we upload a video.


Monthly mid-week communion service: new date in November!

Our monthly Tuesday Communion service is shifting to Tuesday 16 November, starting at the usual time of 10:30. There will be a light morning tea after the service and an opportunity to catch up over a cuppa.

This is a great service for people who are unable to make it to church on a Sunday, who require a little more time to get sorted in the mornings, or who wish to meet up with others from Levin Uniting during the week.

We hope to see you there.


Low-growing camelia plants wanted!

You may have seen that the works team have been busy water-blasting and painting the fence on the Northern border – it sure looks great!

They are now looking for low-growing camelia plants in a variety of different colours.

If you’re able to donate some, then the works team can finish planting and make the Northern boundary pop with colour!

If you’re able to make a donation, please contact the Church Office.


Can collection fundraiser – empty drink cans wanted!

We are collecting empty drink cans as a way of reducing the cans that go to landfill and raising a bit of money on the side, by taking cans to the metal recyclers.

There will be a clearly labelled collection bucket on the left as you come through the main doors into the hall foyer. So, if you, your family, or your neighbours consume drinks that come in aluminium cans, please bring them with you – empty – on Sunday mornings or whenever you come to church during the week.

For more information, contact the Church Office.


Who should we trust: a reflection by Rev. Bob Eyles.

Click here to read Bob’s latest reflection on the state of fear and uncertainty that reigns in our world.


Care for creation resource this week

Here’s a really fun resource – an A-Z of how we can reduce waste at home, in the workplace, and at church. Is there anything in this resource that could be helpful for you? Or helpful for us at church as we think about how we can for God’s creation?

And if you’re interested in getting into the theology behind care for creation, here’s a series produced by Tearfund. If there’s any interest to explore these further, let us know. We might be able to do a study series around this!


Karakia for our Climate

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, kicks off this Sunday, the 31st of October (UK time), and right now 30,000 delegates are converging on Glasgow. 

Meanwhile, people of faith around the world are preparing to daily intercede for God’s created order and for ambitious commitments to climate action. 

Join with the folk from Karakia for our Climate in prayer for COP26:  

This Sunday 31st Oct (before COP): Nationwide Zoom karakia, 8 pm 
1st Nov - 11th Nov (during COP): Daily online prayer via Facebook Live, 8pm every day  

The team from Karakia for our Climate will be sending out daily prayer topics. If you’d like to connect with them, check out their Facebook or join their mailing list.

Keep an eye out in the Bridge over the coming weeks, as we’ll be including some resources relating to COP 26 for you to engage with.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:16 NLT)

This week’s resource is: Climate Intercessors' (a global Christian prayer group) 10 Strategic Prayer Requests for COP26

God is restoring our Earth, and we are invited to join in with God in bringing our common home into its fullness of glory!


Pastoral Care

Do you know of someone who could benefit from a pastoral phone call? Please contact the Senior Lay Leaders.


‘The Bridge’ - 12 Nov 2021


Who should we trust: a reflection