‘The Bridge’ - 4 Feb 2022

A message from Sandra

Kia ora e te whānau a te Karaiti, greetings to you all,

This weekend we commemorate Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty that defines our nation. I am sure we are all aware of the general principles of this document, but do you know of the gospel's influence in its creation and intent?

Read on to find links to interesting articles, along with information about parish life under Covid-19's red 'traffic light' requirements.

As the exceptionally warm weather continues and we await some much-needed rainfall, grab a cool drink and read on.



Worship this Sunday, 10am 

Please join Rev. Sandra Williams as we reflect on the gospel roots of our nation's Treaty. If you would like to reflect on the Scriptures before the service they are Ephesians 2:13-18 & Luke 3:4-6.

As it is the first Sunday of the month, we will also celebrate Communion.

How will Communion work under Red Light setting?

Communion will be brought to you at your seats. We ask that you wait until everyone has been served before removing your masks and partaking in the elements. You can leave empty glasses in the pews and they will be collected at the end of the service.


The Gospel and the Treaty of Waitangi

To what extent did the good news of Christ Jesus influence Te Tiriti o Waitangi?
You might like to check out these interesting articles for more information. HERE and HERE (page 20).


Shine TV at Waitangi 2022: Celebrating Hope

Join the Shine TV team for a special Waitangi Day 2022 broadcast.

Luke and Leanna bring you a special Waitangi 'Church At Home' programme this Sunday, that includes interviews with Bishop Te Kitohi Pikaahu, the Bishop of Te Tai Tokerau, and with the Chairman of Waitangi Marae, Ngati Kawa Taituha.

Then on Sunday evening, join Luke and Leanna hosted from Russell, Bay of Islands, for another special Waitangi Day broadcast, from 7:35pm. This broadcast includes this year's Waitangi Karakia Service. And Andrew Urquhart chats about the spiritual significance of Waitangi.

Plus, enjoy a Waitangi celebration from Shine TV's 'Worship at Waitangi 2021' at 8:35pm.

Luke from Shine TV says, 'When Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) was signed in 1840, it was a document of hope, that two people groups could come together as a new nation. This same hope exists for 2022 and beyond. Shine TV feels privileged to be able to share the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi from a Christian perspective with its viewers.'

Church At Home - Sunday 6 February, from 7am
Waitangi Broadcast - Karakia Service Sunday 6 February, 7:35pm
Worship At Waitangi 2021 - Sunday 6 February, 8:35pm
and at Shine On Demand


Supporting the Tongan appeal

The clean up of Tonga is now in full swing following the recent Volcanic eruption and consequent tsunami. But with the destruction of crops, water supplies and homes there is much work to do and a great level of support needed.

How Can We Help?
Our parish is committed to financially supporting the disaster relief effort. If you would like to assist, please make a donation either through internet banking (our account details are at the bottom of this newsletter) or by placing an envelope in the collection box at the back of the church.

Please use the reference "TONGA" and if you include your name also, we will add it to your tax credit receipt at the end of the financial year.

A Message from Lisita Aloua,
Levin Tongan Methodist Congregation

Please relay our sincere thank you and gratitude to the Levin Uniting Parish for their PRAYERS, LOVE, SUPPORT and KINDNESS towards our motherland, Tonga and our Tongan brothers and sisters around the Globe, during this very difficult time! We are truly grateful and humbled by your love and support! We miss you all and cannot wait until we are back to joining services again. Until then, may God Bless each and everyone of you and your giving and generous hearts


World Day of Prayer
Friday 4 March 2022 - 10am

"I Know the Plans I have for you"
A Service prepared by WDP England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

You are invited to join in worship and fellowship here at Levin Uniting Church.


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know would like a visit, our Pastoral Care team is on call. Please do not hesitate to call one of the Senior Lay Leaders and they will connect you with one of our visitors.


The Treaty and the Gospel: a reflection for Waitangi Day, 2022


‘The Bridge’ - 14 Jan 2022