‘The Bridge’ - 5 August 2022

A message from Brett

Kia tau ki a tātau katoa te rangimarie a te Atua,
Peace to you in the name of Christ Jesus,

We hope you're keeping well. It feels as though Spring has been prematurely taunting us this week, hasn't it? We sure hope you've managed to keep warm and dry, though, because we're still in the throes of winter.

It's been an exciting week in the life of LUC. Rev. Jenny Dawson gave an excellent talk at the Women's Fellowship meeting on Thursday about the work of Christian World Service (CWS). This was well attended by many in the congregation.

You will have seen in an email earlier this week that we're taking up a special offering for Christian World Service (CWS) on Sunday, as recognition of the work they do internationally in the pursuit of peace, in Christ Jesus. There will be a designated box, alongside the usual offering box, at the back of the church.

We hope you can join us this Sunday. If not, please keep warm and remain safe out there!

Brett Reid
Ministry Intern.


Worship this Sunday at 10am

This Sunday, we commemorate Peace Sunday. We now live in a time when there are more conflicts worldwide than at any other point in history. And while we might strive for peace, in all we do, we recognise the limitations of our own actions. In the face of such an overwhelming task, we turn to Scripture and ask what God might be calling us to do. We will be reflecting on Isaiah 1:1,10-20 and Psalm 33:12-20.

This Sunday is also a Communion Sunday, and under Orange Traffic Light we will still be serving Communion to the seats.


Morning Tea is back!

Good news everyone!!! Our morning tea following Sunday services will resume this coming Sunday.


Presbytery invite all parishioners to their 10th Anniversary Gathering and AGM, Nurturing Creation.

Join us from 10:30am on Saturday 13 August for lively and vibrant worship, a deep and insightful keynote talk, stimulating discussion of the future of the church in our world at the AGM and on our perspicacious panel, followed by excellent and engaging workshops. Interspersed throughout the day will be fabulous food and fellowship. The day is capped off with a delicious 5:30pm dinner at the Cosmopolitan Club with a tremendous talk from the inimitable Wayne Toleafoa.

Sandra will be going and has room in her car for 3-4 others. You will need to register.


Special General Meeting

Sunday 28 August

Following the 10am service on the 28th, there will be a Special General Meeting where this year's budget and mission goals will be presented for discussion and adoption. Put the date in your diary, because your input is important.

Can you help?

Our works team are looking for 3 garden benches to be put in our south garden area and were wondering if anyone is thinking of getting rid of one from their garden? Of course it would need to be in a safe condition. If you can help, please contact the office.


A church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday.
He wrote, " I've gone for 30 years now, and in that time have heard something like 3000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So I think I'm wasting my time, and the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."
This started a real controversy in the "Letter to the Editor" column, and much to the editor’s delight it went on for weeks, until someone wrote this clincher:
"I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32 000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: they nourished me and gave me the strength to do my work. If my wife had not given me those meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
Thank God for our physical and spiritual nourishment!


Refugee Resettlement

After many delays resettlement of Refugee Families is now a certainty for our town. Levin has been allocated two Columbian Families, the first of a total of 80 to be settled here.

As yet flights to New Zealand for the two families have not been confirmed but August 22 is the proposed date for their arrival in Levin. We don’t know the make-up of the families but it is clear there will be children.

As a Church we have undertaken to supply School Bags and School Supplies. Apart from that the following are ways in which individuals might help. All former Refugees feel the cold terribly so knitted beanies, scarves, Sox, gloves, and slippers are much needed as are warm jackets and jerseys.

If you are unable to do any of the above, monetary contributions are very welcome and may be made to the Church tagged Refugee Resettlement.


COVID-19 Self-Isolation 

With more people catching the new variant of COVID19, we found this information which is helpful with knowing what to do regarding isolation. 

Under the current rules, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or lives with someone with COVID-19 has to isolate for 7 full days.

Anyone who has COVID-19 needs to be symptom-free to end isolation. If you get to day 7 and still have symptoms, stay home until 24 hours after your symptoms have gone. If your symptoms worsen or last beyond 7 days, contact your GP or health provider for advice.

During that time, household contacts need to test on days 3 and 7. If they test negative and are symptom-free they can stop isolating after 7 days.


Seasons for Growth Adult Grief programme

Change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response. Seasons for Growth for adults is an innovative education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. A trained ‘Companion’ facilitates the small group programme, in which participants explore feelings, memories, loss and grief in a safe and creative way. Seasons for Growth is an education programme. It does not provide counselling or therapy. It is not a religious programme.

Registrations are essential. For information on upcoming courses contact:
Sandra Williams
m: 027 296 8849
e: seasons@levinuniting.org.nz


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know would like a visit, our Pastoral Care team is on call. Please do not hesitate to call one of the Senior Lay Leaders and they will connect you with one of our visitors.


The role of prayer in the Kingdom of God, a Peace Sunday reflection.


“My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused,” a reflection on God’s love.