‘The Bridge’ - 19 August 2022

A message from Sandra

Kia ora koutou, Malo elelei, Warm greetings,

After a short sunny respite the wet weather has returned. To borrow from the opening lyrics of the song made famous by Frank Sinatra, "Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire (of the Holy Spirit) is so delightful..." 

Next week following the Sunday service is the parish meeting to adopt the budget and the mission focuses for this new church year. While the budget presents some challenges, that can become a source of strength as we step into the 'faith gap,' putting our trust in God rather than working on our own. Yes, the financial forecast has meant the Parish Council has needed to make some tough decisions, but we have done so prayerfully and faithfully and with encouragement for all that God is doing in us, with us, and for us. So grab a cuppa and read on. And remember to join us this Sunday for some heartwarming worship and next Sunday for more worship and our parish meeting. And remember, when we walk with Christ, the Holy Spirit fills us with delight, no matter how frightful things may appear to be!

Kia whakapaingia koe e te Atua: May you be blessed by God.


Worship this Sunday at 10am

This Sunday, gather with Rev. Bob Eyles to explore the story of the Crippled Woman healed on the Sabbath. If you would like to reflect on the reading before you come, please look at Jeremiah 1: 4 - 10; Luke 13: 10 – 17.


Morning Tea is back!

Good news everyone!!! Our morning tea following Sunday services has resumed.


Special General Meeting

Sunday 28 August

Following the 10am service on the 28th, there will be a Special General Meeting where this year's budget and mission goals will be presented for discussion and adoption. The documents will either be emailed to our members this weekend or a hardcopy can be picked up from church on Sunday.


Refugee Resettlement

After many delays resettlement of Refugee Families is now a certainty for our town. Levin has been allocated two Columbian Families, the first of a total of 80 to be settled here.

As yet flights to New Zealand for the two families have not been confirmed but August 22 is the proposed date for their arrival in Levin. We don’t know the make-up of the families but it is clear there will be children.

As a Church we have undertaken to supply School Bags and School Supplies. Apart from that the following are ways in which individuals might help. All former Refugees feel the cold terribly so knitted beanies, scarves, Sox, gloves, and slippers are much needed as are warm jackets and jerseys.

If you are unable to do any of the above, monetary contributions are very welcome and may be made to the Church tagged Refugee Resettlement.


A reminder …

It has been bought to the attention of local Police that a male and female are offering to do peoples gardens. They look around your property and then knock on your door.

Please make sure you decline their services. They aren’t doing anything wrong but you need to be aware and under NO circumstances let them into your home. As they are strangers and you don’t know them. Even if one of them wishes to us your toilet etc. Say NO thank you. If they become a nuisance, please call Police on 111.

What is cold calling?
Making an unsolicited visit or phone call to (someone), in an attempt to sell goods or services.


Seasons for Growth Adult Grief programme

Change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response. Seasons for Growth for adults is an innovative education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. A trained ‘Companion’ facilitates the small group programme, in which participants explore feelings, memories, loss and grief in a safe and creative way. Seasons for Growth is an education programme. It does not provide counselling or therapy. It is not a religious programme.

Registrations are essential. For information on upcoming courses contact:
Sandra Williams
m: 027 296 8849
e: seasons@levinuniting.org.nz


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know would like a visit, our Pastoral Care team is on call. Please do not hesitate to call one of the Senior Lay Leaders and they will connect you with one of our visitors.


‘The Bridge’ - 26 August 2022


“Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division,” a reflection on the Jesus revolution.