‘The Bridge’ - 15 July 2022

A message from Brett

Kia ora e te iwi, greetings everyone,

I hope you're all keeping well, despite the cold weather.

It's great to be back among you after a week of illness and two weeks in Dunedin for study. It is noticeably warmer in these parts, which has made for a nice change!

Sandra has been in touch, and she is getting better. We ask that you continue to hold her and others struck down by COVID and winter illnesses in your prayers.

We've had a lovely week in the life of Levin Uniting Church. A group gathered in the Iona Room for Monthly Communion. The Pastoral Care Team had a guest speaker from St Joseph's, who talked about how they care for their parishioners. And on Thursday the men of the parish met for their monthly lunch and fellowship, with guest speaker Doug Bolitho, who shared his wisdom on men's health.

Don't be a stranger, reach out to one another, and see how each other is doing.

We hope to see you on Sunday.

Brett Reid.
Ministry Intern.


Worship this Sunday at 10am

This Sunday, we will be reflecting on the story of Jesus' visit to Mary and Martha, found in Luke 10:38-42. It is a story you'll be familiar with. Mary sits at Jesus' feet, listening to his teaching. Meanwhile Martha runs about the house preparing this and that... Jesus confronts Martha: "you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing." Understandably, this creates uneasiness, discomfort in the reader... But why? We'll be exploring this and more on Sunday. We hope to see you there!


Morning Tea on hold.

Due to the increase in Covid-19 illness in our parish and the wider community, there will be no post-service morning tea for the near future. This decision has been made in the interest of the health and safety of you all and will be reviewed once local case numbers reduce again. In the meantime, can all those attending worship and other indoor parish events please be vigilant with mask wearing and sanitisation. And remember, do not enter another person’s ‘bubble’ without their permission. I know this news will sadden us all but caring for one another and keeping ourselves and others well must take priority. Let’s pray that the present increase in Covid-19 cases will be short-lived and that those affected will recover quickly and fully.  


Refugee Resettlement

After many delays resettlement of Refugee Families is now a certainty for our town. Levin has been allocated two Columbian Families, the first of a total of 80 to be settled here.

As yet flights to New Zealand for the two families have not been confirmed but August 22 is the proposed date for their arrival in Levin. We don’t know the make-up of the families but it is clear there will be children.

As a Church we have undertaken to supply School Bags and School Supplies. Apart from that the following are ways in which individuals might help. All former Refugees feel the cold terribly so knitted beanies, scarves, Sox, gloves, and slippers are much needed as are warm jackets and jerseys.

If you are unable to do any of the above, monetary contributions are very welcome and may be made to the Church tagged Refugee Resettlement.


Celestial Communion

One of our members shared this with us and we are sharing it on, an interesting read.
Bible in a Year: Our Daily Bread, 1 July 2022

Job 20–21 & Acts 10:24–48
Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Today's Scripture & Insight:

1 Corinthians 11:23–26
When Apollo 11’s Eagle lunar module landed on the moon’s Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969, the space travellers took time to recover from their flight before stepping onto the moon’s surface. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin had received permission to bring bread and wine so he could take Communion. After reading Scripture, he tasted the first foods ever consumed on the moon. Later, he wrote: “I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me. In the one-sixth gravity of the moon the wine curled slowly and gracefully up the side of the cup.” As Aldrin enjoyed this celestial Communion, his actions proclaimed his belief in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and the guarantee of His second coming.

The apostle Paul encourages us to remember how Jesus sat with His disciples “on the night he was betrayed” (1 Corinthians 11:23). Christ compared His soon-to-be sacrificed body to the bread (v. 24). He declared the wine as a symbol of “the new covenant” that secured our forgiveness and salvation through His blood shed on the cross (v. 25). Whenever and wherever we take Communion, we’re proclaiming our trust in the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice and our hope in His promised second coming (v. 26).

No matter where we are, we can celebrate our faith in the one and only risen and returning Saviour—Jesus Christ—with confidence.

By: Xochitl Dixon


COVID-19 Self-Isolation 

With more people catching the new variant of COVID19, we found this information which is helpful with knowing what to do regarding isolation. 

Under the current rules, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or lives with someone with COVID-19 has to isolate for 7 full days.

Anyone who has COVID-19 needs to be symptom-free to end isolation. If you get to day 7 and still have symptoms, stay home until 24 hours after your symptoms have gone. If your symptoms worsen or last beyond 7 days, contact your GP or health provider for advice.

During that time, household contacts need to test on days 3 and 7. If they test negative and are symptom-free they can stop isolating after 7 days.


Seasons for Growth Adult Grief programme

Change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response. Seasons for Growth for adults is an innovative education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. A trained ‘Companion’ facilitates the small group programme, in which participants explore feelings, memories, loss and grief in a safe and creative way. Seasons for Growth is an education programme. It does not provide counselling or therapy. It is not a religious programme.

Registrations are essential. For information on upcoming courses contact:
Sandra Williams
m: 027 296 8849
e: seasons@levinuniting.org.nz


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know would like a visit, our Pastoral Care team is on call. Please do not hesitate to call one of the Senior Lay Leaders and they will connect you with one of our visitors.


“There is need of only one thing,” a reflection


‘The Bridge’ - 8 July 2022