‘The Bridge’ - 9 September 2022

A message from Brett

Kia ora e te iwi,

We hope you’re doing well this week.

On Thursday, some of the men from the Parish gathered to share some kai together. Bob brought us a thoughtful reflection on the equality between men and women and the importance of building one another up, regardless of gender. It is so great to be part of a faith community that values each other for what each other brings, regardless of age, gender, ability or ethnicity (Ephesians 2:14). One might even say that we are a living, breathing microcosm of God’s Kingdom on Earth…!

We hope that you can join us this Sunday, as we continue to reflect on the wonder of God’s creation, in this Season of Creation.

Yours in Christ
Brett Reid
Ministry Intern


Worship this Sunday at 10am

Season of Creation

This Sunday, we reflect on our response, and on God’s response, to loss. Fitting, as many among us mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Specifically, we will explore what happens to the chorus of God’s Creation when we experience species loss. How can the heavens and the earth rejoice when there are fewer voices in the choir? Our readings for reflection this Sunday are 1 Chronicles 16:31-34 and Luke 15:1-10. We hope to see you there!


Cross-Cultural Worship and Fellowship

1:00pm Sunday 2 October

The great relationship we have with our Levin Tongan Methodist brothers and sisters includes regular combined worship services. Normally they join us once a month but next month we will instead be their guests. On Sunday 2 October there will be a combined Levin Uniting and Tongan Methodist service of Holy Communion at 1:00pm. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience wonderful bi-cultural worship and to further develop our parish-parish relationship - an opportunity you won't want to miss!

Please note, there will be no 10:00am service on this day.


Refugee Resettlement

Towards the end of September to early October, four families from Columbia will be arriving in Levin. Six churches have each chosen a different area of support to help with the setting up of homes for the families.

Levin Uniting Parish chose to provide school bags, drink bottles and lunch boxes and basic school requirements for each child. There are six children amongst the families - two girls aged 6 and 17 and four boys aged 7, 10, 13 and 17.

While Missions and Fellowship are covering the purchase of these items and would like to give members of the parish the opportunity to donate towards this project. Back packs range from $20-$25, drink bottles and lunch boxes  $7-$10.

Please see Beth Berry or Betty McMillan on the next two Sundays if you would like to assist. Apart from the above, there is a need for bicycles (safety checked), warm jackets, beanies, scarves and socks.

If you are donating via the church bank account, please use reference 'Missions'.


Creation in a nutshell

And on the 8th day, God created seniors. Most seniors never get enough exercise. In his wisdom, God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their eyeglasses, keys, and other things, thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God saw there was another need. In his wisdom he made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things, requiring them to bend, reach, and stretch more. And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God considered the function of bladders and decided seniors would have additional calls of nature, requiring more trips to the bathroom, thus providing more exercise. God looked down and saw that it was good.

So if you find, as you age, you are getting up and down a lot more times, remember it's God's will. It is all in your best interest even though you mutter under your breath.    

Seasons for Growth Adult Grief programme

Change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response. Seasons for Growth for adults is an innovative education programme which explores the effects of change, loss and grief. A trained ‘Companion’ facilitates the small group programme, in which participants explore feelings, memories, loss and grief in a safe and creative way. Seasons for Growth is an education programme. It does not provide counselling or therapy. It is not a religious programme.

Registrations are essential. For information on upcoming courses contact:
Sandra Williams
m: 027 296 8849
e: seasons@levinuniting.org.nz


Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know would like a visit, our Pastoral Care team is on call. Please do not hesitate to call one of the Senior Lay Leaders and they will connect you with one of our visitors.


“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns!” a lament for non-human species extinction.


‘The Bridge’ - 2 September 2022