Moving forward in our lockdown

In line with the Prime Minister's announcement this afternoon, the whole country remains at Alert Level 4 for now, with those of us south of Auckland likely to be moving to Level 3 from 11.59pm next Tuesday, 31 August. Level 3 has been described as the 'watch and wait' level. Bubbles remain, but purchases beyond supermarkets will be allowed as long as delivery is contactless, such as through a click and collect service. Mask wearing and social distancing when in public remain mandatory with church and other gatherings still forbidden.

As last week, a time of communal worship will be offered on Sunday via Zoom. This is a time to pray and reflect on God's Word together, while sharing how we're each faring in our bubble. Please join us, we'd love to see you.

In the meantime, keep yourselves safe. Stay within your bubbles - this means those in your immediate household or, if you live on your own, one other family member or close neighbour, but that is all. And remember, when leaving home to access essential services, the wearing of a face mask and signing in is now mandatory

Receiving The Bridge during lockdown

Do you have a friend in our parish not on email? As they will not be able to pick up a copy of the Bridge from the church foyer, why not ring them and share the news? It's a good way to stay connected with one another too.

Worship this Sunday

This week our 10:00am Sunday service will be via Zoom Video conference

During our 30-40 minutes together, Brett will lead the reflection and prayer. If you would like to read the scripture prior, please look at James 1: 17-27.  There will also be an opportunity for those who wish to, to share how they and their bubble are managing, and for us to pray for one another.

If you would like to join but are uncertain how to use Zoom, please contact Brett prior on either or by calling 027 238 1074.

Shopping for people in our Community

Do you, or anyone you know of require assistance with grocery shopping or prescription collection? Please email the Church to let us know - Click here to view the Church’s contact details.

Pastoral care

Do you know of someone who could benefit from a pastoral phone call? Please contact the Senior Lay Leaders.


Zoom Church: a reflection